Skye Tattoo

Let us do this part
Today's Date:
Mon Feb 17 2025 10:59
Skye Tattoo
Please read and answer
Are you currently on or taking any medications?

History of health conditions*
Do you have any medical history or health conditions / concerns that should be disclosed prior to your tattoo?

Are you a hemophiliac (bleeder) or on any medications that may cause bleeding or may hinder blood clotting?

Bloodbourne Pathogens*
Do you have any bloodbourne pathogens, transmittable diseases or recent illnesses? (It' okay if you do, we just want to know for our and other's safety).

Not Pregnant*
I agree that I am not pregnant.
Eaten & Hydration*
Have you eaten in the past 4hrs? It's a good idea to before hand to increase your blood sugar levels as well as maintain proper hydration.
Judgement Clause*
I do not have any mental, medical impairment, disability or not under the influence of drugs or alcohol which might affect my well being as a direct or indirect result of my decision to have any tattoo and/or piercing procedure done at this time.

That I have been fully informed of the inherent risks, associated with getting a tattoo. I fully understand that these risks, known and unknown, can lead to injury, including but not limited to infection, scarring, difficulties in detecting melanoma and allergic reactions to tattoo pigment, latex gloves, and/or soap. Having been informed of the potential risks, I still wish to proceed with the tattoo application and I freely accept and expressly assume any and all risks.
6 Month Guarantee & Exclusions*
I understand and agree SKYE TATTOO’s tattoo artists provide 6 month guarantees on their tattoo work when and only their professional advice and aftercare is followed. If I decided to not follow their professional and experienced advice, I understand they cannot guarantee their tattoo work. I understand some tattoos require a touch-up after the tattoo is healed and that only the original tattoo artist who did the original tattoo SKYE TATTOO will provide the touch-up at no cost of their time (via my artists discretion). This must be scheduled within 90 days of the original tattoo session to acquire the free touch-up. Touch-up sessions do not include additional work to the tattoo. There will be a $45 material set up fee for all touch-ups.

I understand that SKYE TATTOO’s artists can NOT GUARANTEE tattoo work on the following areas of the body: Fingers, Hands, Palms, Ears, Behind the Ears, Neck, Feet, Heels, Ankles, Toes, Elbows, Faces & Knee Caps.

I understand that SKYE TATTOO’s tattoo artists can NOT GUARANTEE their tattoo work if during the tattoo session I experience severe bleeding and/or swelling, or if I am unable to remain still during the tattoo - which may result in my tattoo artist ending my session early. Should this occur, I understand that my tattoo artist can NOT GUARANTEE their work and I most likely will need a second session which will be billed at their hourly rate.

Color, Sun Exposure and Aging*
I understand that the finished tattoo may vary somewhat in appearance, color and/or design from the paper or other drawing or photographic image which the tattoo design is based.

I also understand that prolonged sun exposure can and will affect the tattoo and colors, potentially causing fading, blurred lines and colors to change.

Aging varies person to person and understand that my tattoo may require freshening up years later as my skin ages.

Symbols, Meanings, Spelling*
The artist or studio SKYE TATTOO and employees are not responsible for the meanings or spelling of the symbol or text that I have provided or approved prior to being tattooed.

Agreement of Tattoo*
I swear or affirm and agree that the above information is true and correct. I have been provided with information describing the tattoo, seen the tattoo design and 100% give consent to receive this tattoo. I have been informed of the procedure to be preformed and instructions on after care. I have been made aware that if I have any signs or symptoms of infection, such as swelling, pain, redness, warmth, fever, unusual discharge or odor to contact my physician at my own cost as SKYE TATTOO is not a medical physician or medical facility. It is also my responsibility to take care of my new tattoo site according to the instructions provided both verbally and in writing.

Tattoos are permanent*
I have been advised that the tattoo will be permanent and that it can't be undone and can only be removed with a surgical procedure. That any effective removal can leave permanent scarring and disfigurement. This cautionary notice is required to be provided to me by the health department and I hereby acknowledge receipt of this formal notice.
Being of sound mind and body, I hereby release any and all employees, agents or persons representing SKYE TATTOO from all responsibility. I agree not to sue SKYE TATTOO or its heirs or assigns in connection with any and all damages, claims, demands, rights and causes of action of whatever kind or nature based upon injuries, property damages to or death of myself or any other persons arising from my decisions, behavior to have any tattoo and/or piercing related work, whether or not caused by any negligence of SKYE TATTOO employees.

Hold Harmless*
The artist and Tattoo studio SKYE TATTOO have given me the full opportunity to ask any and all questions about the application of my tattoo and my questions have been answered to my total satisfaction.

I voluntarily assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any infections, injury to myself, expenses of any kind, that I may incur or experience at SKYE TATTOO. I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless ISTARI LLC DBA SKYE TATTOO any of its officers, employees, contractors, agents, or representatives. I hereby hold harmless to not sue or pursue any claims, including all liabilities, actions, damages, costs, or expenses of any kind. I also understand and agree to that this release includes any claims based on the actions omissions or negligence of the facility, its officers, employees, contractors, agents or representatives whether a Covid-19 infections occurs before, during or after receiving services at SKYE TATTOO.

Photographs and IP rights
I release all rights to any photographs taken of me and the tattoo and give consent in advance to their reproduction in print or electronic form, this included but isn’t limited to use on social media.

IP RIGHTS belong to the artist for all custom drawings and require consent before use for personal, commercial and public use.

If any provision, section, subsection, clause or phrase of this release is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that portion shall be severed from this contract. The remainder of this contract will then be construed as though the unenforceable portion had never been contained in this document.
Client Information
I hereby declare that I am of legal age (with valid proof of age) and am competent to sign this Agreement.
Legal Name:*
Chosen name:
Date of birth:*
You must be 18 or older
Phone #:*

Emergency Contact
If something happens, your emergency contact might need to explain your medical history, allergies, or medications.
Phone #:
Photo ID*
Please take photo(s) of your government issued photo IDs and related paperwork.